A garage door is a big investment. Garage doors can cost thousands of dollars, which is why you want to make sure that yours lasts as long as possible. But how do you extend the length of your garage door? If you’re not an expert on garage doors—which, let’s face it, few people are—the thought alone can be overwhelming. Where do you even begin?
Thankfully, Carroll Garage Doors is here to help! We’re happy to lend our knowledge and expertise to help make your garage door last as long as possible. Keep reading for five tips on how to extend the life of your garage door!
- Keep Everything in Balance One of the most important things for extending the life of your garage door is to make sure that everything is kept in balance. What does that mean? Well, you can easily test your garage door to see if it’s balanced. Simply disconnect the electric opener and move the door halfway up the rollers manually. If the garage door starts to roll down on its own, that means your springs are probably off balance and your garage door is likely working harder than it needs to. If it seems unbalanced, call the professionals at Carroll Garage Doors!
- Pay Close Attention to It People don’t think about things like the roof or garage door unless there’s something wrong with it. However, once you notice something is wrong, extensive damage might have already been done. It’s important to pay attention to your garage door. If you hear any strange noises or notice that it is working differently or straining, call a repair provider right away.
- Check the Cables Regularly There are cables under an extreme amount of tension that lift your garage door. These cables are very powerful and it’s important to make sure they’re operating properly. If you notice any rust or straining, contact someone for a repair.
- Keep Your Garage Clean Keeping your garage clean, believe it or not, can help lengthen the life span of your garage door. You should be sure to keep the sensors free of dust and debris. In addition, you should also make sure the tracks and rollers are free of spider webs and dust.
- Let Carroll Garage Doors Conduct an Annual Inspection and Tune Up If you want to extend the life of your garage door there are some small actions you can take to do just that. However, to really ensure everything is working properly, you should bring in the professionals at Carroll Garage Doors. We can inspect your garage door annually and ensure that everything is working properly. Plus, this gives us the chance to give it a little tune-up to get you through another year with no issues. Contact us today at 888-578-2360 to request an inspection!
To learn more about the quality garage door services that we offer, view us on the web at Carroll Garage Doors!