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Garage Door Spring Repair North Hills CA

Broken Spring SpecialGarage door spring repair in North Hills CA is one of the premier services we are particularly proud to offer to our customers. Incorrectly repaired springs can wreck your garage doors and end up costing you an arm and a leg. With our promotional rates for broken springs and our fast, efficient service, you’ll find that professional repair from Carroll Garage Doors is a much better value.

Why You Need Professional Garage Door Spring Repair in North Hills CA

While some garage door repairs can be done by any old handyman, garage door spring repair in North Hills CA is definitely a task best left to the experts. Here’s why:

  • Unwinding broken springs can cause serious injury
  • It’s easy for amateurs to buy the wrong replacement spring
  • Replacing garage door springs requires special tools
  • Experts know how to calibrate spring tension properly
  • Improperly installed springs can damage your garage door
  • Experts know that if you have a two-spring system, both springs need replacing

Get Your Garage Door Springs Inspected

A broken garage door spring can be a big problem. Worn springs may fail suddenly, and if this happens while your door is halfway up or down, the door could crash to the ground and become damaged. While your door should be equipped with a manual release, without a functioning spring to help bear the weight of the door, you may have a really hard time opening the door and getting your car in or out of the garage. Needless to say, getting stuck with a malfunctioning garage door is extremely inconvenient. You stand a much better chance of avoiding this scenario if you get a garage door inspection from Carroll Garage Doors. By inspecting your springs carefully, we can identify worn springs and replace them before they become a bigger problem. While we’re inspecting your springs, we can also inspect all the other parts that your garage door opener system needs to perform its best and make sure they are in optimum condition.
